African Mango. What’s the big secret about this miracle fruit?

Research shows weight loss benefit Africa natives have been holding on to a secret that the rest of us are only just learning about – African Mango. What’s the big secret about this miracle fruit?

For most, it’s the power it has to suppress your appetite and melt away fat. African tribesmen have been using it for centuries, often to help control hunger when they’d venture off on hunting trips that would lead them away for long periods of time. Recent research that came from a study out of the University of Yaounde in Cameron has the medical world buzzing about African Mango and the possibilities. Some say this could be just what we needed to fight the battle of obesity that is becoming increasingly alarming.

Not only that, but it can promote better health overall and simply by controlling weight it could dramatically reduce the number of serious health diagnoses made each and every year. We all know that obesity in itself leads to a number of health problems. The study we’re referring to used a double blind placebo controlled method to test just how much effect African Mango can influence weight (if any).

Upon completion, the results were analyzed and medical professionals were so excited about it that the findings were published in Lipids in Health and Disease. Previous study findings were positive, but they were in a test tube type environment. This was different. This was using human test subjects to get true information on just how well it works.

Before this research was completed with humans, weight loss from the use of African Mango was believed to be due to fiber. But afterwards, scientists were able to see that African Mango was promoting weight loss right from the metabolic level. The Human Subject Study The human subject test study used 102 subjects who were already overweight. Some were given a placebo, while others received actual African Mango supplements – 150mg before meals two times per day. During the study, the participants didn’t change any of their exercise or diet habits.

Measurements were taken throughout the study that showed a multitude of benefits and improvements in those receiving the real supplements across many areas including leptin levels, LDL cholesterol, body weight, body fat, blood glucose and waist measurements.

Of course, no improvements were shown in those who were receiving the placebo. The conclusion? “Irvingia gabonensis administered 150 mg twice daily before meals to overweight and/or obese human volunteers favorably impacts body weight and a variety of parameters characteristic of the metabolic syndrome.” There it was in undeniable, proven facts – Simply taking African Mango just a couple times per day can boost weight loss and improve health in humans. Medical experts and scientists are excited about the findings and hope to continue the research in larger studies.
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