Mum you are KILLING me

How important is the heath of your children and that of yourself.
This matter has to be addressed immediately as it is a major concern for many parents raising youngsters today. Mothers and fathers parent their children in the best and only way they know how and this is by the standards of maybe how they were raised when growing up.

But times have changed; we now live in a world diseased by pollution drugs fatal gases asbestos obesity and much more.

Prevention is not a proven cure and an end too, but it most definitely slows up the process should any of the above named killers strike close to home.
Drugs every parents nightmare all you can do in this department is be supportive and give advice to what is right and wrong should your child become involved. Keep on pointing out the dangers and how let down you would feel should they take this route in their life.

I did mention the health of yourself so if you are a parent that has ventured down this path of self destruction, it is not too late to get your act together and seek help.

Who will look after the kids should anything happen to you? Remember they will not get the same type of love that you mummy and daddy gave from stand in parents.

Healthy eating should be on top of your priority list for your children thus helping to combat obesity. Before handing them a plate of greasy chips cream cake or a bar of chocolate, think? A fat child will never be a happy a child, believe me when I say I have seen the torture some kiddies go through at school being on the receiving end of the jibes/jokes by fellow pupils.

Stress levels for the victimized child become unbearable where they suffer in silence struggling to cope with the mental pain and torture. Thus resulting in some very unfortunate cases where suicide was the solution.
Anxiety a killer alone,

I am not saying that children should not have chocolate and other little goodies. I remember that being the best part of my childhood my weekly ration of sweets. What I am trying to say is just cut them down in over indulging. Too much of a good thing can come with a death sentence.

Some cases in children being overweight are due to health matters, and can not be helped. There are reasons behind the extra pounds they carry and I wish all caring parents in these circumstances well with any treatments for the cause for their child's obesity.

But for the mothers who sit on national television and boast about the eating habits of their two year old son/daughter weighing in at 5 stone and sitting like a little midget on their laps. Then this is where the death penalty kicks in where mother becomes the murderer

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