Glyconutrients - My Personal Story

How could this be happening? Our dog (Storm) just received her one year checkup in June and was given a clean bill of health. In shock by the news, we refused to put Storm down and defied the recommendation of our vet oncologist.

What followed could only be described as a long exhaustive internet and phone search for cancer alternatives for dogs. After 100 hours of research in two weeks, we stumbled across a homeopathic vet in our area. What we learned was shocking.

Dogs like humans - even puppies who are barely adult dogs are exposed to triggers every single day that can kick off a serious of unfortunate health events. These triggers can come from the air we breath, the water we drink, the food we eat, and the vaccinations we take to stay healthy - yes even vaccinations can be a trigger to cancer.

Listening with abated breath, we continued to learn from our homeopathic vet that traditional doctors treat most auto immune diseases (like cancer) at the symptom level; but they never address the underlying question which is why did we get sick in the first place?

When your body is out of balance, your body fails to do what it was designed to do - which is heal itself. When your cells stop talking to each other efficiently they become corrupt. These corrupt cells can lead to illnesses and in the case of our Storm - Lymphosarcoma.

It was recommended that we put Storm on a glyconutrient supplementation program coupled with a raw diet high in protein and low in carbs. We started her on a leading brand of glyco supplements. These supplements contained the eight simple sugars that provide your body the building blocks it needs to enhance cell to cell communication.

Within two weeks of this program, the tumor that Storm had was 90% gone. This was a tumor that was twice the size of her heart on the ultrasound just two weeks before. At the end of the first month, Storm was diagnosed as being in remission.

Don't get me wrong. Cancer is a smart, nasty disease that mutates and has one purpose - survival. Is there a cure for cancer? - probably not. Is there a better way to treat cancer? - absolutely. Are glyconutrients part of that better treatment? - my opinion is YES.

Holly and I have seen first hand what these glyconutrients can do. We both take them; and our dogs both take them. Did we know about glyconutrients before Storm was diagnosed with cancer? - NO. Do most doctors know about them? - NO. This is because the discovery of glyconutrients is fairly new and has only recently been added to the curriculum at medical schools.

If you are or a loved one are suffering from an auto immune disorder I strong urge you to check out this website.

"Your body is an amazing health machine if you give it the tools necessary to heal itself"

David Filer is a corporate professional that works hard; and believes that everything in life shoudl be done in moderation. He believes in fitness and nutritiona and overall well being. His interest and passion for glyconutrients started when his dog was diagnosed with cancer. His exhaustive search led to his personal discovery of glyconutrients; and his amazing story.

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